COMP7506 Smart phone apps development [Section 2A, 2022]

Hi, welcome to the course COMP7506A Smart Phone Apps Development!

Smart phones have become very popular in recent years. For iPhones alone, CEO Tim Cook announced that Apple has sold the billionth iPhone in July 2016. In addition to iPhones, there are also Android phones, Symbian phones as well as Windows phones. Smart phones play an important role in mobile communication and applications. 

Smart phones are powerful as they support a wide range of applications (called apps). Most of the time, smart phone users just purchase their favorite apps wirelessly from the vendors. There is a great potential for software developer to reach worldwide users.

This course aims at introducing the design issues of smart phone apps. For examples, the smart phone screen is usually much smaller than the computer monitor. We have to pay special attention to this aspect in order to develop attractive and successful apps. Different smart phone apps development environments and programming techniques (such as Java for Android phones and Swift for iPhones) will be introduced to facilitate students to develop their own apps.